performs two-sample comparisons for time-to-event data based on average
hazard with survival weight or general censoring-free incidence rate
proposed by Uno and Horiguchi
(2023). The package website is here.survRM2
performs two-sample comparisons using the restricted mean survival time
(RMST) as a summary measure of the survival time distribution. Three
kinds of between-group contrast metrics (i.e., the difference in RMST,
the ratio of RMST and the ratio of the restricted mean time lost (RMTL))
are computed. It performs an ANCOVA-type covariate adjustment as well as
unadjusted analyses for those measures.
performs the procedure proposed by Horiguchi et al. (2018). The
method specifies a set of truncation time points tau’s for calculating
restricted mean survival times (RMST), performs testing for equality,
and estimates the difference in RMST between two groups at the specified
tau’s. Multiplicity by specifying several tau’s is taken into account in
this procedure.
performs the permutation test using difference in the restricted mean
survival time (RMST) between groups as a summary measure of the survival
time distribution. When the sample size is less than 50 per group, it
has been shown that there is non-negligible inflation of the type I
error rate in the commonly used asymptotic test for the RMST comparison.
Generally, permutation tests can be useful in such a situation. However,
when we apply the permutation test for the RMST comparison, particularly
in small sample situations, there are some cases where the survival
function in either group cannot be defined due to censoring in the
permutation process. Horiguchi and Uno (2020)
have examined six workable solutions to handle this numerical issue. It
performs permutation tests with implementation of the six methods
outlined in the paper when the numerical issue arises during the
permutation process. The result of the asymptotic test is also provided
for a reference.
calculates the power and sample size based on the difference in
Restricted Mean Survival Time.
performs inference of several model-free group contrast measures, which
include difference/ratio of cumulative incidence rates at given time
points, quantiles, and restricted mean survival times (RMST). Two kinds
of covariate adjustment procedures (i.e., regression and augmentation)
for inference of the metrics based on RMST are also included.
performs tests for equality of two survival functions based on
integrated weighted differences of two Kaplan-Meier curves.
performs inference for C of risk prediction models with censored
survival data, using the method proposed by Uno et al. (2011). Inference
for the difference in C between two competing prediction models is also
performs inference for a class of measures to compare competing risk
prediction models with censored survival data. The class includes the
integrated discrimination improvement index (IDI) and category-less net
reclassification index (NRI).
calculates predictive model performance measures adjusted for predictor
distributions using density ratio method (Sugiyama et al.,2012). L1 and
L2 error for continuous outcome and C-statistics for binomial outcome
are computed.